Get to know Vermont's Fall Leaves from the Speckled Alder to the Large-Toothed Aspen. Learn how to identify Vermont's foliage with Scenes of Vermont descriptions and colorful photographs.

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Identify the Leaves of Vermont Foliage

Alder-VT foliage leaf - Speckled Alder

The leaves are 2-4 inches in length usually have a double-toothed margin. Leaves turn yellow and brown in the fall. Speckled alder thickets provide cover for moose, white-tailed deer, rabbits, and others.  Moose, muskrats, beavers, and rabbits browse the twigs and foliage. 


VT Foliage Leaf  - American BeechAmerican Beech-
The dried leaves sometimes remain on the branches of young trees all winter. The American beech has the most easily recognizable bark: it is pale gray and smooth. You can sometimes see claw marks on the trunks of the trees where bears have tried to climb up a tree to munch on some beech nuts.

Basswood-VT foliage leaf - Basswood
The leaves are heart shaped and 5-6 inches long. the base of the leaf is lopsided and feel thin and smooth. The twigs grow in a zig zag fashion and are bright green or red. People uses this wood for hand carving. It's also used to make modelling and interior house trim. Can be used to make wooden food containers.

VT foliage leaf - Large Toothed AspenLargetooth Aspen - (Largetooth poplar, bigtooth aspen)-
The leaves are simple, 2-4 inches long and very coarse-toothed. The shape is triangular to round. Leaves are dark green above and pale green below. The uses for this wood is veneer, matches, boxes and in the manufacturing of pulp.

VT foliage leaf -Mountain AshMountain Ash-
Grows as a shrub but can grow to the size of a small tree. Leaves are divided into 7-11 leaflets, rounded tips, margins toothed mostly above middle. Found in open forest, streambanks and clearings.



VT foliage leaf - PincherryPin Cherry-
The pin cherry occurs in most parts of Canada and the northern United States. The leaves turn a bright purplish-red in autumn.



VT foliage leaf- northern Red OakRed Oak-

Red oak leaves have pointed lobes. The northern red oak is a large hardwood tree that has dark green leaves that turn to rusty orange and various shades of red in the fall. Red Oak often has impressive late fall color, ranging from brick red to scarlet. Some trees may have golden- yellow, yellow-brown, or chartreuse foliage in autumn.

Red Maple

VT foliage leaf - Red Maple
Red maple trees are popular for their fall display of brilliant red, orange, or yellow leaves. Red Maple is commonly thought of as having blazing red fall color, but trees found in the wild may display bright yellow, orange-red, or red fall color, or may even